Application of ethrel - active ingredient ethephone for reduction in stem height to reduce lodging in cereal crops​. ETHREL Plant Growth Regulator is effective in reducing lodging. ETHREL Plant Growth Regulator acts by releasing ethylene in the plant tissues which reduces cell elongation and crop height. ETHREL Plant Growth Regulator applications also strengthen the straw. ETHREL Plant Growth Regulator should only be used on crops that are prone to lodging. When applied correctly, ETHREL Plant Growth Regulator will reduce the height of the crop by 2 to 15 cm. It will also reduce necking. An occasional delay in crop maturity may occur. This is normally not greater than five days and is generally less than that caused by lodging​.

• Ideal window of Application is Zadoks Scale 37 – to – Zadoks scale 45​
• Source Bayer Ethrel label​
​• Presence of flag leaf is the beginning of the window​
• Prior to head emergence is the end of the application window​

Ethrel applied at 250 mL /acre at growth stage 39 - full flag leaf

Ethrel applied to Copeland barley
• This product was applied at 10 US Gallons per acre
• This application was tank mixed with trivapro fungicide

• Ethrel has a small window of application and can be detrimental to the plant when it is not used correctly.
• However when it is used correctly it is very effective in reducing plant height and therefore reducing lodging.