Our Vision, Mission & Values...
To get the most out of every acre we serve - efficiently, consistently, and sustainably - on behalf of customers, consumers, and our growing world.
To provide leading-edge advice, combined with planning the right products at the right time in precisely the right place to accomplish more.
To be recognized as the preferred partner, growing with farmers who want to get the most out of every acre, today and for generations to come.
Only CMN serves and responds to the complex needs of farmers and fields in a way that nourishes the growing demand for improved soil health, productivity, and sustainability.Through reliable collaborative farmer partnerships, CMN utilizes smarter, field-specific solutions to get the most out of every acre.
Dedicated to service and logistics excellence; we work side by-side with growers on farm, in the fields, ensuring the right products in the right place, at the right time.
We are centered on insights versus products, collaborating with farmers who want long-term crop sustainability, while still getting the most out of every acre today.
We are focused on developing partner relationships that enable us to provide smart, reliable solutions to our farmers.
Photo Taken by Jon Kauffman